
Inter Expo Center

Address: 147, Tsarigradsko shose blvd
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: (02) 9655319
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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How to get to Inter Expo Center?

Private cars

Inter Expo Center - Sofia would like to inform all visitors that they can use, upon payment, the buffer parking area at the metro station "Inter Expo Center - Tsarigradsko Shose". The capacity of the parking lot is 1,300 parking places. It can be accessed from both sides of Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., in the traffic direction in the relevant local lanes at Inter Expo Center. How to get to Inter Expo Center?


Line 4 - station Inter Expo Center - Tsarigradsko shose
For more information: Metro


Bus lines providing direct access to Inter Expo Center: 1, 3, 5, 6
For more information: Urban mobility centre


Yellow taxi – tel. + 359 2/91119, cell + 359 1219
OK Supertrans – tel. +359 2/ 973 21 21, cell 18294
Radio CV taxi – tel. + 359 2/ 9 12 63, cell +359/ 88 12 63, 89 12 63